How to Find Movie Filming Locations

How to Find Movie Filming Locations

Whether it’s for traveling inspiration or simply out of curiosity, you may have tried searching for your favorite movie filming locations already.

Here are a few ideas on finding film locations you may have never tried before!

1. IMDB “Filming & Production” Section

IMDB is user-generated database of information on anything TV- and movie-related. It provides the most comprehensive information related to movies and TV shows worldwide, including filming locations.

To find information on all movie locations:

  • Go to the main movie page. You can access it from IMDB native search or searching Google: [movie title]
  • Click “More” above the title name
  • In the drop-down, click “Filming & Production”
  • There click “Jump to: Filming Locations”
IMDB Filming Locations
Each movie or TV show listing on IMDB has “Filming and Production” section that lists all shooting locations

You can also make this path much shorter by simply adding /locations/ right into the URL in the address bar immediately after the movie ID:

IMDB filming locations
You can navigate to “Filming Locations” section on IMDB immediately by simply adding /locations after the movie ID in the URL bar of your browser

On a mobile device, keep scrolling the page down until you see “Filming Locations”:

Filming Locations mobile imdb
Mobile navigation is bit tricky but you can still find the “Filming Locations” for any movie using your mobile browser

Tap on the section to see the details:

"Filming Locations" imdb mobile find movie shooting locations
Internet Movie database is the first source to turn to. While there’s no info on each specific location, it’s the biggest list you are likely to find.

IMDB is likely to help you find shooting locations for any movie, popular or not.

The only downside of this method is that you won’t see which episode was filmed in which location, so you will probably need to research more after that. Still, it’s a great way to start your online research.

2. Reverse Image Search: Find a Filming Location of a Specific Movie Episode

If you are interested in a specific episode, rather than all the filming locations, you can try Google’s reverse image search:

  • Make a screenshot of the location
  • Navigate to using your desktop browser
  • Click “Search by image” icon right inside the search bar (which looks like a photo camera)
  • Open “Upload an image” tab and upload your screenshot:
Find Location of a Specific Movie Episode
Make a screenshot of the location and use Google’s reverse image search to identify it!

Here you go, Google has identified the location with no problem:

Filming locations reverse image search
Google will do its best to find the location name and similar pictures

3. Google: Find Discussions, Tours and More Details

Finally, you can expand your search by simply Googling. It’s probably not a good place to start your research there, in this specific case. Unless you have the name of the specific location, Google filming location research may be quite frustrating. You will end up reading pretty generic articles that don’t go into much detail.

The more information you know, the better results. Try the following search query ideas to dig deeper in your favorite movie locations:

  • [“Movie name” “Location name” episode] (This is an obvious step once you pick up the location name from IMDB
  • [“Movie name” specific attraction / sight]
  • [ “Movie name”] (This will find great discussions from active travelers who visited locations from your movie):
Find Discussions, Tours and More Details on Filming Locations
Trip Advisor’s search is not that easy but you can use Google to find discussions and reviews related to your chosen filming location

You may also find hotels to stay in as well as interesting tours around your movie filming locations and travelers’ reviews of those too!

Takeaways: How to Find Movie Filming Locations

  • Start your research at Internet Movie Database: There’s “Filming locations” for every movie or show listed
  • Try Google’s reverse image search to identify a filming location of any specific episode
  • Continue by searching Google for hotels, tours and travelers’ experiences around your specific movie and filming location. Keep an eye on forum threads and discussions to pick up some details and ideas from people who actually visited the destination.

Also watch the video recap: Track Down and Research Your Favorite Movie Shooting Locations

Plan your movie tours ahead of time using these tips: These are great for family vacation planning and travel destination research.

Good luck!

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One response to “How to Find Movie Filming Locations”

  1. Atila Avatar

    If I appear in a film shooting do they let me talk to the stars?

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