How to Download Free Printable Daily Planners Now

How do you plan your daily life?

There’s no single answer to this question. What works for some people may completely fail to organize your life leaving you even more overwhelmed.

While some people prefer maintaining an online schedule (using a spreadsheet), others feel more productive and inspired when actually putting their daily plans and tasks in writing on the actual paper (or a notebook).

You will have to build up your own productivity and task management system (which could be a good mix of both the approaches): We’ll give you all the productivity resources to do that.

How to Download Printable Daily Planners without Sharing Your Email Address

The Internet is full of free useful resources. The trick is to quickly find and download them without ever having to share your email address (and end up on yet another email list).

To find, instantly preview and download a free printable planner online, use the following Google search trick:

[daily planner filetype:PDF]

This will force Google to restrict their search results to printable PDF files:

daily planner filetype:PDF


Simply click and open those links in new tabs to instantly see the downloadable and printable planners: No need to optin or register to access the files! These PDF documents can be downloaded right away.

Now, you can go as specific as you need or want:

  • [daily meal planner filetype:PDF] will generate the list of instantly downloadable and printable files for meal planning. Use these printable for your daily and weekly menu plan!
  • [daily planner 2019 filetype:PDF] will let you find a printable calendar which is already dated for you
  • [weekly planner filetype:PDF] will help you create weekly planners for you to see your work week at a glance
  • [monthly planner filetype:PDF] will allow you to find – you guessed it – instantly downloadable and printable monthly planners, if you prefer to use calendar planning
  • [daily employee planner filetype:PDF] will let you find some PDF templates to plan your daily team schedule
  • [daily budget planner filetype:PDF] and [daily expense planner filetype:PDF] will generate a list of free daily expense planners. Use [monthly] if you want to create a monthly budget
  • [daily shopping planner filetype:PDF] will help you plan your grocery and shopping list
  • [weekly homeschool planner filetype:PDF] will help you create your homeschool curriculum and lesson planner for the homeschooler in your life

Tip: Use filetype:DOC instead of filetype:PDF if you are looking for customizable planners. Create your own perfect DIY planner!

With this cool search trick you can find and download free printables for just about anything.

Plan Your Daily Life with Printable Daily Planners and Organizers

It’s not just about task management!

  • Organize your daily to do list and avoid the clutter
  • Plan your daily life by organizing your routine and prioritizing your work
  • Set up a good daily routine: Create a checklist of what needs to be done
  • Study daily without missing a day (even if you are not a full-time student). Include “Learn something new” in your life planner
  • Get organized by thoroughly planning your daily work activities using worksheets
  • [Busy moms] Create a home planner to keep your home organized
  • [Homeschoolers] Use these printable daily and weekly planners for homeschooling
  • [Teachers] Learn how to create a daily routine for students
  • [Families] Have family fun together working on your holiday planner together
  • [Parents] Make the kid’s life more organized and show them how studying fun by improving their memory and study skills

Plan your daily life

[Free planner printables that promote stress-free life: Take care of yourself, help someone else and be grateful]

How do you organize your to do list and prioritize your work using daily planner?

Again, there’s no right or wrong way to organize your to-do list, but here are a few tips for you:

  • Instead of keeping your daily schedule updated, print out a blank planner every night before going to bed (or leaving your office) and write down your tasks scratch for the next day
  • Move your undone tasks to the new daily planner every night, changing the priority (If it seems like you keep moving them again and again)
  • Keep an eraser handy: A good to do list is the one that keeps changing
  • Use all-in-caps to label important tasks that you do often. For example, I’d put TO WRITE or TO EDIT on my daily planner often. This way these tasks stand out
  • Use – before each task to be able to turn it into a +. I prefer this system instead of simply checking off √ done tasks. Somehow changing – into + instills a feeling of accomplishment and keeps me moving forward through my tasks
  • Include breaks (for stretching, walking, drinking water or – if you are like me – coffee) to never forget them
  • Have a special “goal planner” and “long term projects” sections.

How to Create a Printable Daily Planner NOW

While you can use the Google search trick above to find your own perfect daily planner (and you are certainly encouraged to do so), for those of you who lack time, I have searched and picked my favorite PDF planners.

You can check my collection and download any daily planner template here.

Create a Printable Daily Planner NOW

[This colorful day planner organizes and prioritizes your to-do lists by giving you separate sections for “Must schedule”, “Must call” and “Must email”. It also helps you to keep your goals on track]

I made sure to select varied daily planners to make sure you get creative with planning your daily routine. You’ll fine that my chosen PDF templates:

  • Will remind you to note daily what you are grateful for
  • Will encourage you to write your daily goals
  • Will let you record things you’d have done differently if you could live that day over again
  • Will guide you through scheduling your calls and/or emails
  • Will urge you to take breaks, exercise and socialize regularly
  • Will encourage you to keep track of things you enjoyed doing every day

Daily printable planner enjoyed doing

[This fillable personal planner encourages you to enjoy your life and constantly improve yourself]

Getting organized is tough but it can make a huge difference to your life.

Have you found a free printable daily planner that works for you?

Let us know which of the planners you liked best!

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3 responses to “How to Download Free Printable Daily Planners Now”

  1. SJ Avatar

    I love this planner sheet! Really helps with organizing my thoughts without allocating the same amount of time for making a phone call as writing a business case. THANK YOU for making this a free printable!

    1. Stan Avatar

      Thanks for the feedback!

  2. techylist Avatar

    I love printable planners! I use them to keep track of my daily tasks and to plan out my week. I love that you can download free printable planners now!

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